Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 2 Indian Head to Whitewood Sask.

My innkeepers at the Golf View B&B, Chris and Coralie Schon are golf fanatics; both played rounds yesterday and managed to look after me and another 4 guests.

I didn't sleep all that great due the all the thunder claps and lightning flashes from a storm system passing through SE Saskatchewan. The forecast for the day wasn't all that promising but when I got up at sunrise it was dry so I made a run for it. Basically I chased a blue spot in the sky all morning and tried to outrun a rain system behind me. I succeeded in staying ahead but it meant having to fight strong headwinds all the way. The prairies aren't so flat any more and there are more and more clusters of trees.

No complaints about the road through Saskatchewan. So far is has been paved shoulder all the way with some spots 12 feet wide and a rumble strip separating me from the traffic.

Roadkill included 2 deer, 1 coyote, 1 skunk, many snakes, a few prairie dogs and a red tailed hawk. All this CARnage is a pity.

I met these 2 drifters in Broadview; they were hopping freight trains and hitchhiking back and forth between Man. and Sask., panhandling at the train towns. That instrument he is playing is called a "canjo".

Today is Father's day, a good occasion to pay tribute to my Dad who helped instill in me a sense of adventure. No adventure could compare with him going off to sail the high seas in wartime as a 17 year old navy enlistee. It was an adventure for me growing up just watching Dad doing his thing organizing people into sports, games and other activities - he coached and organized Little League Baseball, he led Tyros and Scouts, he ran the Recreation and Parks Association and he took us on all sorts of hiking, fishing, hunting and camping trips. He kept a lot of delinquents off the streets and kept a lot of us from becoming delinquents. Thanks Dad. Day 2 of my little adventure is dedicated to you - I hope you have a great day.

Distance today: 106.6 km

Average speed 18.2

Trip distance to date: 183 km.


  1. Hi Wayne,
    Enjoying your blog. Happy Fathers' day.

  2. Way to go cuz. I'm enjoying your blog and wish you continued good cycling...Joanie
