Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 25 Deep River Gastro

One of the many perils of travelling is illness due to food or water-borne pathogens and unfortunately I am stricken by it. After a night of self-dehydration I thought I had better lay low and rehydrate before I attempt further travel. Right now the 15 foot trip to the bathroom is more of a challenge than the most difficult 100 km. bike ride.

This probably explains why I was so tired after yesterday's ride.

Or is this just another excuse to procrastinate?


  1. Thanks for the call in to the meeting this morning Wayne.

    Sorry to hear about the gastro, and so close to the end of your journey! Stay positive, you probably just needed another rest day. I'm sure you will come charging home later this week.

  2. By the way you are going through Chalk River. We missed you by a week!

  3. Hello,

    For the last couple of days, I have been reading your blog. I'm really happy that you are so close to your goal and being sick should not stop you from finishing. You are only being delayed for the moment. Just rap it up and it will be a done deal. Go for it.


  4. Wayne
    I don't know if you'll hit Ottawa today or Thursday. I don't know if you've got accomodations lined up. But if the stars align and you'd like to, you're welcome here at 200 Daniel. 613-728-2016

  5. Mum and dad says ,come on down !
